Tähtis, kes plaanivad autot osta välismaalt!

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Tähtis, kes plaanivad autot osta välismaalt!

PostitusPostitas Sild12 » 13 Okt 2006, 11:18

Nii leidsin siis mobile.de -st mõne ilusa ja suht kahtlevalt odava auto!
Saatsin kirja ja vastu sain sellise:

Kellelt: Torsten Bischof <torst1234@yahoo.de>
Kellele: Sild Jaak <sild.jaak@mail.ee>
Saadetud: 12.10.2006 22:38:50
Pealkiri: AW: Hello
Shipping the car to your place it will be free of charge.Escrow Insurer is the third party involved who will offer us both protection I am insured there with an insurance policy which will protect us both in case something goes wrong up to EUR 15000, the amount of my insurance there.Let me tell you how we will make this deal:
1. I will open a case.
2. You will be contacted by Escrow Insurer
3. You will make a deposit of EUR 1000 at Escrow Insurer
4. I will start the shipping proces
5. In 7-14 days the car and all the documents that you need to pass it on to your name will arrive to the address you provided to Escrow Insurer
6. You will have 10 days to inspect and test drive the car
If everytyhing goes well you will register the car on your name and the car will legally be yours.I will receive the money from Escrow Insurer in a few days and we will consider the deal as completed.

In case there are problems with the car which I am sure is not the case,you will be refunded the entire sum you have spent and I will have to cover all the expenses, including the storage of the car until all the situation is cleared up.In case it is not my fault that the car has suffered any accidents during the shipping I will also be compensated depending on the damages.

I am waiting for your e-mail to tell me what you decided.

Et, siis uurisin selle Escrow Insurer firma kohta! Ja leidsin paar linki :



Et jh mul õnneks oli mõistust, aga nagu näha on sinna õnge ikka mõned tüübid hakkanud!
Ühesõnaga minu auto otsingud jätkuvad, homme siis juba saksamaal!

P.S Ootan selle tüübi vastust:) Huvitav mis ta mulle vastab!!

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